I learned so many great things that will be not only instrumental to my practice but to my soulful world view,… through the lecture and workshop I discovered amazing insights that really helped me to better understand myself and others through our astrology charts.
-Stephanie Gailing
Thank you Sam for such an awesome workshop in Seattle! You really rocked my astrological world!
-Donna Baxter Rodgers
golden sunlight and silverymoonlight all over the place… 4.5 billion years and then flowers sacred vibration and consciousness. how LOVELY and WONDERFUL is that???
-Simone Nolan said:
I wanted to tell you that was a great talk last night, and as usual, you were very generous with the information. I have been following your video lectures and purchased a class bundle from you and have learned a lot. Last night, several things jelled for me.
-Trish Lee Foss said:
Wow – what a great lecture. Sam was just delightful – and I learned so much. Sam speaks in English – not ‘astrology’ so he is very easy to follow. Thanks Sam. Really enjoyed the day – and learned a lot. Thank you for coming all the way up here. It was just a delightful day.
-Nancy Tripp said: